
when i grow up

Sometimes when I start thinking about what job I'm going to have after college, a little hut in the Himalayas with nothing but a cozy fireplace, a shelf full of books and maybe a yak or two for company starts to look mighty inviting. I've spent a good portion of this week trying to think of a job that I could wake up every day and be excited about in six months, in ten years, and ten years after that. I haven't come up with anything yet. So, here's a list of things I've been seriously (and not-so-seriously) considering before next fall, when I'll have to decide whether or not to apply to the school of journalism here. Here's your chance to pitch your say this way...what should I be when I grow up?


Sally T. said...

Hey Greta,
my good friend Hamid is a food & wedding photographer. You can check out his photos on the link I posted at Red Circus (Hamid Attie).

p.s. that's what I voted for :)

LM said...

Hi! I came across your site in a blog search, and I must say you are really interesting to read. You definitely should be a journalist! ;-) Anyway, I voted for graphic designer because I'll soon be one. I wanted to be a journalist when I was in high school, but it just didn't work out because of my country's higher education system. I used to regret it a lot, until I came to the States, went back to college and "met" Graphic Design. Now I'm really happy. It worked for me, it may work for you too ;-) But I'll definitely give Journalism a shot, if I were you...

Jingo said...

you get paid for being a muse? I should consider that... ;)

channelview said...

My advice: Don't grow up.


channelview said...

I forgot all about this post and just did a post at my blog by the same title.

Oh well.... :)