
new layout

"But the name," said Kevin, leaning forward. "Is it real?"
"The name?" Archie shrugged. "Every name is real. That's the nature of names. When she first showed up, she called herself Pocket Mouse. Then Mudpie. Then - what? - Hullygully, I believe. Now..."
"Stargirl." The word came out whispery; my throat was dry.
Archie looked at me. "Whatever strikes her fancy. Maybe that's how names ought to be, heh? Why be stuck with just one your whole life?"
- Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl

That's kind of how I feel about my blogger layout. Maybe I was bored. Maybe I have blogging ADD. Or maybe I'm really so indecisive about picking a favourite colour that I thought it wasn't fair to the other colours that green got to be my layout for so long. Regardless, it's something I get restless about, as with other things like writing stories, styles of clothes, or the arrangement of furniture in my room. Every once in a while it feels good to scrap everything and start over.


Sonnjea said...

I like the new look. I have to change things around periodically too, or I get bored.

channelview said...

"Every once in a while it feels good to scrap everything and start over."

That's kind of a scary thought, when we imagine what kind of capability humanity now has to "scrap everything".

Sally T. said...

To be honest, I did like your other layout better but I agree that it's good to mix it up if you get bored easily.

I'm afraid I'm just not a gray fan (too industrial for me).

Greta said...

sonnjea > yes, I guess variety is the spice of life. :)

channelview > it is a scary thought. I was thinking more along the lines of personal style types of things, I suppose.

clowngirl > I was going for a slightly more studio-esque look...I'm not 100% sure whether I like the gray or not, either. But who knows what the layout will look like an a month or two? ;P

channelview said...

You're right, Greta, it is nice to start fresh. :)

I didn't mean to rain on the parade here -- I guess I spend a lot of time dealing with people's problems. Some of the drug- and gang-related stories I hear.... :|