
oasis, dinner, paper cranes

Oasis: What a great band. They remind me a lot of the Beatles, and it's so relaxing to sit and listen to them while I'm tooling around on the computer. Don't Look Back in Anger and Sunday Morning Call are favourite tracks of mine.

Dinner: I had dinner with some of my Japanese friends as well as a couple other international students. We got to know each other a little, joked around, and had several conversations over the misinterpretation of English phrases. It was nice to talk and linger over the food as other students hurried in and out. Dessert for me was purple blueberry ice cream. My friend decided she'd rather not try the unusual flavour, so what did she get? Vanilla ice cream with blueberries. :) A nice, leisurely time to eat and enjoy good company.

Paper Cranes: I learned how to fold a paper crane! Maybe I will find some fancy origami paper and fold a flock of them to hang from my ceiling. You can learn how to fold a crane here.


Anande said...

oh yum, blueberries are my favorite! we made blueberry ice cream once. it was good.

yes i have read lemony snicket's autobiography. it's great!

chick pea said...

love oasis.. the gallagher bros need to get along better